SSA Supporting Tools & Audit Guidance

SSA Supporting Tools & Audit Guidance

SSA supporting tools as referenced in the SSA Technical Requirements document, and further guidance material 

The tools and guidance material are designed to support Applicants to comply to the Credits relevant to each SSA level, and their use may not meet compliance requirements on their own. Not all Credits have a SSA tool provided. The SSA Technical Requirements document must be reviewed for all compliance requirements for each SSA Credit.

SSA CreditGuidance and Supporting ToolsRequired Evidence (upload to SSA portal)SSA Level
SSA Credit 1.1 Business IntegrityA Code of Conduct is a set of rules or standards of conduct for employees or an organisation to follow, including the relationship between employees and with their customers. They can guard against misconduct and opportunistic behaviour, while fostering long term changes to business culture. 
The SSA Credit 1.1 - Code of Conduct Template is optional and can be used to develop a complying Code of Condict.
Alternative documentation with policies that are signed by management and address the 6 matters in the Technical Requirements can be provided to meet the credit.
Applicants must provide evidence of communicating the Code of Conduct with management and staff, and include signed training records.
Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements.

1. SSA Credit 1.1 - Code of Conduct Template. OR

2. The following policies:
- Inclusion and Diversity 
- Conflicts of interest
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Whistleblower mechanism
- Confidentiality
- Community engagement

3. Policies are signed or ratified by management
4. Evidence of communication with and training of employees on policies
5. Complaints recorded (if applicable)

SSA Credit 1.2 Management SystemsA. Business Governance.
A Business management system comprises documents, policies, procedures and processes to support accountable business practices. It includes roles and responsibilities for implementation.

B. Safety Management System.
A Safety management system comprises documents, policies, procedures and processes to ensure a safe workplace. It includes roles and responsibilities for implementation. 

No SSA template supplied. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements. 
Comcare guidance on developing an OHS/WHS management system

A. Business Governance

1. ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate OR 
2. A documented Quality and/or Business Management System that includes policies, procedures and processes to support accountable business practices, and process for document control.
3. Evidence of roles and responsibilities for implementation and senior management assigned for policy implementation.
4. Evidence of how policies and procedures are communicated and made available to employees

B. Safety Management System

1. ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Certificate OR 
2. A documented Safety Management System appropriate to operation (eg projects & workshop) that includes:
- WHS Policy
- Hazard/risk assessment and Risk register
- Procedures for safety controls and continual improvement
- Records management
3. Evidence of risk assessment undertaken for a project or workshop
4. Evidence of assigned responsibilities to senior management.
5. Evidence of staff trained in WHS system  
6. Evidence of a chemical register and SDS - if applicable

SSA Credit 1.3 Stakeholder CommsA Communications Strategy identifies relevant stakeholders and outlines methods of communication. 
The SSA Credit 1.3 - Stakeholder Engagement Template is optional and other evidence can be supplied in its place. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements.




1. SSA Credit 1.3 - Stakeholder Engagement Template. OR

2. Identification of Stakeholders – staff and suppliers at minimum 

3. Procedure/process of communicating to stakeholders on SSA

4. Evidence of comms to stakeholders (emails, meeting minutes, newsletters, website) including:

- Information on the SSA Program
- Performance against the SSA Program
- Inviting feedback on company performance or operation  
5. Collected feedback from stakeholders

6. Evidence of opportunities provided to stakeholders to engage with the business (e.g employee suggestion box, customer survey sent, website feedback form). 

SSA Credit 2.1 EMSAn Environmental Management System comprises documents, policies, procedures and processes to manage the environmental aspects and impacts of a business. 
No SSA template supplied. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements. 
Australian Government Business Support on environmental management.

1. ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate OR 
2. Evidence of an Environmental Management System that identifies and manages the environmental impacts of the manufacturing of the product and includes:
- an Environmental Impacts and Aspects Register to identify risks and impacts, and includes management controls
- Specific and measurable KPI's for the identified environmental impacts 
- Measurement of progress against KPI's and implement corrective actions
- A Continual improvement process to reduce environmental impacts
3. EPA license if applicable. 

SSA Credit 2.2 EPDsSelect a project completed in the last 12 months (a Green Star project should be used if possible) and choose Option 1, 2 or 3 to comply with this credit. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements.  

The SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Steel Supply Sourcing Form is mandatory (for levels 2A and 3). This is the same form as required in Credit 4.1.
The SSA Credit 2.2 - EPD Form is mandatory (for levels 2A and 3, for option 2 only unless exempt). 
The SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Supplier Declaration of Conformity is mandatory when claiming SSA certification on a given project (Green Star project or other project specifying SSA certification) 
EPD Australasia
EPD International

OPTION 1 or 3:

1. Provide the EPD/s (or LCA) for the finished fabricated product/s supplied on a project

2. Evidence of the steel products supplied to the Client for that project.


1. Correctly completed SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Steel Supply Sourcing Form for a project completed in the last 12 months. Form must show at least 70% (by weight) of the semi-finished products have EPDs. 

2. EPDs must be provided for all semi-finished products that are declared on the Form as having EPDs. 

3. Evidence of steel products supplied to the Client for that project

4. Completed SSA Credit 2.2 - EPD Form with the 10% variance met, unless exempt

SSA Credit 2.3 Health ImpactsA Health Impacts Declaration is completed to ensure the safety of all downstream users once the product is ready for use. It assesses the impacts of the finished product during the lifecycle phases of transport, installation, use and maintenance and end of life.
The SSA Credit 2.3 - Health Impacts Declaration is mandatory (for levels 2B and 3). Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements.  

1. Correctly completed SSA Credit 2.3 - Health Impacts Declaration for the finished product identified on the SSA Steel Supply Souring Form (Credit 2.2 and 4.1) for a project

2. The SSA Health Impacts Declaration is written at an accessible level

3.  All known hazards and relevant SDS information is included 

4. Evidence that the SSA Health Impacts Declaration template is published on the Applicant's website.

SSA Credit 3.1 Paints and CoatingsAny paints and coatings applied to steel products assessed under SSA certification are applied in a way that is safe for workers and occupants of buildings. 
Select a project completed in the last 12 months (a Green Star project should be used if possible) and provide sufficient evidence to mee the credit.    

SSA Credit 3.1 - Letter of Assurance (mandatory if the steel is not painted on a building site; or if the paint is applied to steel in an area where the building occupant is not exposed to the painted elements (e.g external to the building, inside walls); or if galvanized coatings are applied to the steel. 
GBCA's FAQ-00332  
GBCA Green Star Buildings v1 Exposure to Toxins Credit (refer to Total VOC limits table) 
Akzo Nobel Solvent Release Bulletin (information only)
Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements. 

1. Invoices for the paint purchased for the project.

2. Manufacturers specifications (e.g Technical Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet) for the paint that was applied; and

3. Applicants (or sub-contractors) procedure for paint application that aligns with manufacturers specifications, including:

- WHS procedure

- Provision for storage and release of painted products to ensure paint is dry prior to product leaving site. 


4. For steel products painted onsite and installed inside the building, as exposed elements, in regularly occupied areas:

- Evidence of the paint VOC levels applied to the steel (e.g the paint manufacturer Technical Data Sheet) is below the GBCA Exposure to Toxins Credit limit.


- Signed letter of Assurance (mandatory if the steel is not painted on a building site; or if the paint is applied to steel in an area where the building occupant is not exposed to the painted elements (e.g external to the building, inside walls); or if galvanized coatings are applied to the steel)         

SSA Credit 3.2 WHS Management

A Manufacturing WHS Management system is in place to ensure workers are protected from physical, chemical and biological risks of harm.

No SSA template supplied. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements. 

WHS risks/hazards include but are not limited to:

  • physical (slips, trips and falls; abrasions, burns, strains and sprains; manual handling injuries; and inhalation of dust or fibres), 
  • chemical (toxic, corrosive, carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic substances), and
  • biological (viruses, bacteria, protozoa and other microorganisms as well as animals, plants and animal or plant products that can create a hazard to human health).

1. ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Certificate; OR
All of the following are provided:
2. WHS Hazard and Risk Assessment procedure to identify and assess risks
3. Risk Register including controls
4. Evidence of training employees to complete risk assessments (e.g. toolbox talks or project risk assessment register)
5. Example of an Internal Audit report undertaken on the WHS system.

SSA Credit 3.3 Procurement WHSA Procurement WHS Assessment is undertaken to ensure suppliers are appropriately managing their WHS risks.
The SSA Credit 3.3 - Procurement WHS Template is mandatory unless sufficient evidence is provided to meet the credit (for levels 2B and 3)
InfraBuild Steel's evidence of supplier OHS requirements (example and can be used as evidence)
Liberty Primary's evidence of supplier OHS requirements (example and can be used as evidence) 
BlueScope's evidence of supplier OHS requirements (example and can be used as evidence) 
Refer to Technical Requirements for additional evidence of compliance. 
1. SSA Credit 3.3 - Procurement WHS Template. OR 
2. Evidence the applicants Procurement System contains:
- 95% of suppliers are identified (calculated as a percentage of total spend over a period, applicant can use the project identified in Credit 4.1 Steel Supply Sourcing form) 
- Evidence the applicant has undertaken a due diligence assessment of safety management practices for a reasonable sample of its suppliers or an ISO 45001 Certificate or equivalent policies
- Evidence suppliers have safety management practices including identifying physical, chemical and biological risks to their staff.
SSA Credit 3.4 Modern Slavery A Modern Slavery risk assessment is undertaken to ensure it is not present in the supply chain.
No SSA template supplied. Refer to Technical Requirements. 

Modern Slavery Act 2018
Australian Government Modern Slavery Statements Register
Australian Government resources for preparing Modern Slavery Statements, including Guidance for Reporting Entities, e-Learning modules and videos, tender and contract clauses, and supplier questionnaire.
School Supply Chain of Sustainability - Modern Slavery education and learning resources

1. Modern Slavery Statement in accordance with the requirements of Modern Slavery Act 2018

2. Evidence of a risk assessment undertaken that assesses risks of modern slavery in the supply chain, including local and international suppliers

3. Modern Slavery statement published on the Australian Government Modern Slavery Statements Register

4. Modern Slavery Statement published on the Applicant's website

SSA Credit 4.1 Steel Supply SourcingSelect a project completed in the last 12 months (a Green Star project should be used if possible).

The SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Steel Supply Sourcing Form is mandatory for all SSA levels. This is the same form as required in Credit 2.2. Refer to Technical Requirements for additional evidence of compliance. 
SSA Verified Manufacturer list and certificates
SSA Credit 4.1 - Supplier Declaration (mandatory when enacting grace period)
SSA Credit 4.1 - Manufacturer Declaration (mandatory when enacting grace period) 
SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Supplier Declaration of Conformity (mandatory when claiming SSA certification on a given project (Green Star project or other project specifying SSA certification)  
EPD Australasia
EPD International

1. Correctly completed SSA Credit 2.2 & 4.1 - Steel Supply Sourcing Form for a project completed in the last 12 months declaring all steel feedstock sourced for the project. List of all steel purchased for the project by invoice

2. Provide a sample of invoices as evidence of the steel purchased for the project (DO NOT upload all invoices for the project - the auditor will request additional records if required to verify the purchases).

3. Provide the SSA Verified Supplier Certificates for all steel feedstock purchased from SSA Verified Suppliers for the project. For any non-SSA Verified Suppliers - provide evidence the SSA declarations were submitted (ie the 12-month grace period is enacted) 

4. Evidence the project meets the minimum 50% EPD requirement for the project (ie the EPD calculation in the Steel Supply Sourcing Form is above 50%).

5. Provide the EPDs or the SSA Verified Supplier Certificates provided those products are listed on the certificate. 

SSA Credit 4.2 Carbon Emissions ReductionThe carbon emissions from manufacturing processes are reduced by at least 2% over 5 years. Reportable energy data is any energy consumed for the manufacturing process. Applicants can optionally include energy consumed for transportation to their clients site.
The SSA Credit 4.1 - Carbon Emissions Reduction Form is mandatory for level 3. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements

1. Correctly completed SSA Carbon Emissions Reduction Disclosure template - correct fuel sources, conversion factors, emissions factors

2. Energy data provided for the full 5 years (for each energy source and each year provided in the SSA Carbon Emissions Reduction Disclosure template)

3. Evidence the carbon emissions have reduced by at least 0.5% per year, for the past 5 years on average, targeting a minimum of 2% for the 5 years (as per that calculated in the SSA Carbon Emissions Reduction Disclosure template) 

3. Evidence a corporate Carbon Emissions Reduction program is in place to continuously monitor and reduce carbon emissions

4. Evidence the business is tracking energy use and emissions e.g excel tracking spreadsheet, online energy management system. 

5. Provide a sample of energy data records to verify the data entered into the template (e.g energy provider invoices). The auditor will request additional records if required.

SSA Credit 5.1 Resource ManagementA Waste Management Plan is the company's strategy and related procedures to identify, measure and reduce waste streams, it must include methods to avoid, reduce, reuse and/or recycle waste generated through the manufacturing process.
The SSA Credit 5.1 - Waste Use and Reduction Form is mandatory for levels 2A, 2B, and 3. Refer to Technical Requirements for all requirements. 

1. Correctly completed SSA Credit 5.1 - Waste Use and Reduction Form for a 12-month period 

2. Waste data provided to verify the data entered into the template (e.g invoices, data tracking spreadsheet)

3. Evidence the 80% waste diversion target is met (as per that calculated in the SSA Waste Use and Reduction template)  

4. Evidence the applicant is tracking waste generated (e.g data tracking spreadsheet, internal report, waste contractor report)

5. Evidence of recycling/reuse for the declared waste diverted (e.g waste recycler invoices)

6. A Waste Management Plan is provided to reduce, reuse and recycle waste


SSA Certification Levels