Australian Steel Convention 2024

Australian Steel Convention 2024

Latest thinking and techniques on sustainable building will be revealed in a featured-packed speaker program for this year’s ASI steel convention from September 8-10. 

Day 1 gets off to a flying start with the official opening by Queensland Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing Glenn Butcher followed by an invited presentation by chief executive officer and executive director of lnfraBuild Francisco lrazusta;  an investing in climate transition assets talk by senior portfolio manager Australian equities at  AustralianSuper Stuart Wilson and managing director and CEO of Phil Hodgson Calix Limited Phil Hodgson; a repurposing steel talk by Bowhill Engineering business development director Jeremy Hawkes; and a traceability case study by GSI Australia director of primary industries Caroline Barrett. 

The afternoon session of day 1 will feature world-leading University of Coimbra researcher Associate Professor Helena Gervásio exploring the life cycle assessment of a steel building considering different end-of life scenarios. In a panel discussion, representatives from Populous, TTW, and Robert Bird Group explore enablers, barriers, challenges, and opportunities in Designing for Deconstruction.  A keynote presentation by Tom Nash will explore creative problem solving and what disability can do for thinking laterally. Tom’s loss of all four limbs has not stopped him from overcoming challenges and he will show how in this captivating speech. 

A feature-packed day 2 is still being confirmed but likely to include a ministerial opening, followed by a case study by senior structural engineer at ARUP Michaela Brown on the award-winning Art Gallery of NSW restructure project; and still-being-confirmed talks on the Olympics 2032, and AI innovations.  

The convention at Brisbane’s Pullman King George Square kicks off on the Sunday with a Combilift-sponsored reception at the Sixteen Antlers Rooftop Bar. The exciting line-up of presenters and panels will examine cost-effective, sustainable, and resilient steel solutions for architects, engineers, and contractors, with cases studies showcasing steels versatility, reusability, and traceability.

Go to the ASI website to learn more: